Poor IT security in your business can have serious consequences for you, your customers, suppliers, and partners. With more and more companies relying on technology to conduct business, IT security becomes a critical Achilles' heel – even for small businesses. It can cost you dearly.
Diminished reputation and trust
If your business experiences a breach of IT security, it can have more consequences than those directly related to financial loss. A breach of IT security can also result in a diminished reputation and, in the worst case, impact the trust the business has built up over several years of marketing and reputation building.
In cases where sensitive information has been compromised, the most significant consequence may be that partners withdraw and customers terminate their relationship. For small businesses, this could mean the end, as the costs to repair the reputation become too great.
It is extensive and requires enormous resources, for both large and small businesses, to initiate this type of damage control to repair a damaged reputation. This applies among existing customers but may also make it difficult to attract new ones.
If the breach of IT security is also mentioned in the media, the work of regaining trust will be extensive and require enormous resources, for both large and small businesses.
Stolen digital access and lost income
Yes, there are digital thieves. In reality, there is no real difference between having your phone stolen at a cafe or losing access to a password.
Digital thieves are constantly finding new ways to steal passwords, access files, and download sensitive data. They can, for example, sell the information they steal to your competitors. In many cases, the thieves d