How to perform a NIST analysis

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lilla stripede oferflate diffus bakgrunn

June 2, 2021

How to perform a NIST analysis

It pays to work systematically and smart with IT security in 2021. There are many ways to do this - one of them is the NIST Cyber Security Framework!

What is NIST CSF?

The NIST Cyber Security Framework (CSF) is a framework used to work systematically with IT security. It is NIST, or the National Institute of Standards and Technology, that has developed the framework consisting of five pillars.

With NIST CSF as a framework, it's about working continuously to identify threats and prepare the company for events that threaten IT security. The framework has clear recommendations on what should be in place within the five pillars.

It is also common to conduct a GAP analysis to map areas of risk and the level of risk; Where are we today, where should we be at a minimum, and what is the recommended level? Then measures are implemented to address

It pays to work systematically and smart with IT security in 2021. There are many ways to do this - one of them is the NIST Cyber Security Framework!

What is NIST CSF?

The NIST Cyber Security Framework (CSF) is a framework used to work systematically with IT security. It is NIST, or the National Institute of Standards and Technology, that has developed the framework consisting of five pillars.

With NIST CSF as a framework, it's about working continuously to identify threats and prepare the company for events that threaten IT security. The framework has clear recommendations on what should be in place within the five pillars.

It is also common to conduct a GAP analysis to map areas of risk and the level of risk; Where are we today, where should we be at a minimum, and what is the recommended level? Then measures are implemented to address

It pays to work systematically and smart with IT security in 2021. There are many ways to do this - one of them is the NIST Cyber Security Framework!

What is NIST CSF?

The NIST Cyber Security Framework (CSF) is a framework used to work systematically with IT security. It is NIST, or the National Institute of Standards and Technology, that has developed the framework consisting of five pillars.

With NIST CSF as a framework, it's about working continuously to identify threats and prepare the company for events that threaten IT security. The framework has clear recommendations on what should be in place within the five pillars.

It is also common to conduct a GAP analysis to map areas of risk and the level of risk; Where are we today, where should we be at a minimum, and what is the recommended level? Then measures are implemented to address

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